
Welcome to "Introduction to Creative Writing," a semester-long exploration of the art and craft of writing. This course is designed to ignite and nurture your passion for creative expression through various genres such as fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting your journey, this class will provide a supportive environment for you to experiment, learn, and grow as a writer.


Where knowledge meets curiosity, and friendships are forged in the crucible of learning. 📚

About me

Hello, I'm Mrs. Ventura, and I'm excited to share a bit about myself with you. Teaching has always been a passion of mine. I believe in the power of education to transform lives and shape the future. My journey into teaching began with a deep love for my subject and a desire to inspire and guide students on their own learning paths.

As for the upcoming semester, I'm thrilled about the opportunities it holds. I'm particularly looking forward to fostering a positive and engaging learning environment where every student feels supported and motivated to explore the subject matter. I have some exciting lesson plans and activities in store, designed to make the material both interesting and relevant to your lives.

If there's anything specific you'd like to know or discuss, whether it's about the curriculum, assignments, or anything else, please feel free to reach out. Let's make this semester a fantastic and enriching experience together!